Single Trip / Annual Multi Trip

Insure questions – The difference between single or annual multi trip insurance? Single / Annual Multi Trip

What’s the difference between annual multi trip and single trip insurance?

A single trip insurance is just that. It is insurance that will cover the dates selected when purchasing your insurance and cover that single trip.

Multi trip insurance – known an Annual Multi Trip insurance, will cover multiple trips within the start and end date of your insurance. It does not cover you to travel for a whole year ! 

There will be a trip limit on your insurance which could range from 31 days per trip up to 45, 90 or 180 days. It will depend on the cover you have purchased. Check your policy as there can be restrictions on the number of days covered depending on your age.

Check the definitions in the policy wording which will clearly define the meanings of certain words in your insurance policy.

Age restrictions can also apply to some sports and activities or winter sports.

There is information about activities, reciprocal agreements, flight cancellations or delays, lost luggage and how to claim on other pages.

Have a look through our pages, and complete the contact form if you have a question that has not been answered.

Insure questions – The difference between single or annual multi trip insurance?

We also cover information about medical screening, and medical clearance, and Emergency Medical Assistance as well.

Check the FCDO advice before travel.